Какие отзывы оставляли к Салон красоты UpDo by Diana Simonian
Diana seems to...
Diana seems to be a competent hairdresser. Her service orientation, however, is abysmally bad for one main reason: She did not ask once what I want. Not one time - not regarding how light I wanted my hair, what colour toner I would like, or even how I would like my hair to be styled afterwards. Which ended up with me leaving the salong holding back my tears. Even after the correction, I have not gotten the results that I expect for 18000 rubles (bleaching with Olaplex, cutting hair, styling).
Long version:
Before my appointment, I asked for a consultation, which was free. After waiting for 30 minutes past the original time slot, she sat me down. I explained to her that I wanted my roots bleached and what my worries were. Since she gave off a good impression, I booked an appointment.
On the day of my appointment, I, again, had to wait for her. 15 minutes late, we started. She did not ask what I wanted specifically.
For bleaching, she used a mixture I have had bad experiences with, which I let her know off, but after talking to her, I let her try anyway. Barely 30 minutes after applying the mixture, I was having my hair washed. For context, at my usual hairdresser, application takes up to 30min, and then the bleach mixture is left on my hair for 60min, with a refresher after 40min.
At the washbasin she applied a toner, again, no questions asked about what hue I would prefer (there are more greyish tones, more blueish, purpleish, even pinkish sometimes).
When I was sat down, I could immediately tell that the hair was too dark and yellow (I am platinum blond), which I told her. She informed me that she liked it better this way because it gave off a more "natural" transition and to give it a try. So I let her "style" my hair. Once again, she did not ask for my opinion, and just blow dried it with a paddle brush. By that time two other people were waiting in the small salon, so I did not feel comfortable taking up more of her time.
The result of the appointment was not worth the 18000 rubles. I looked as if I
Ewgenia B 3 года назад
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Стильный и уютный са...
Стильный и уютный салон в центре Москвы, удобное расположение около метро, есть где припарковаться. Классные мастера!
Ольга Голованова 3 года назад
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Владимир Максимов 4 года назад
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Очень уютное место,...
Очень уютное место, высококлассные мастера - Диана, Ася, вы чудесные волшебницы, спасибооо!)) Прекрасные девочки-администраторы! Очень удобное расположение и всегда есть место на парковке ;)
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Дизайн салона, услуги, персонал!!!
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Мастера все профессионалы своего дела 💯
Редкость в наше время-это давно сложившийся коллектив👌🏻 Делаю маникюр у Людмилы Цой - безупречно, аккуратно 😘
Но чаще все же бываю у Шелованой Аси и Алексея Худенко на стрижке и окрашивании 🔝блестяще, всегда выслушают пожелания и предложат новые и модные тенденции 🔥
Муж - бородачь 😅 доверяет свою голову только Елене Ярыгиной 💯
Думаю не всем удается получить три услуги в одном месте. В UpDo by Diana Simonian это возможно :) !
Уверена, что и другие мастера заслуживают посещения! Желаю и Вам положительных эмоций🍃