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Pioner Bookstore

В рейтинге лучших книжных магазинов Pioner Bookstore занимает 314 место. В округе ЗАО 11 место.

Книжный магазин Pioner Bookstore в рейтингах 2025:

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26 April, 20:30, at Pioner will be a presentation of the book “French Cinema: A Sold-Out Century” by Joel Chapron and Priscilla Jessati, printed on special order by Pioner. After Pioner will host the premiere of Lucas Belvaux’s romantic comedy, “Not My Type”.
High quality reprints of unique film posters — “Manhattan” by Woody Allen, “Snatch” and “Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels” by Guy Ritchie and others — available at Pioner Bookstore.
On September 5th and 6th Pioner Bookstore will present its collection at the Book Market Festival
On Tuesday, 26 April, at Pioner will be a presentation of the book “French Cinema: A Sold-Out Century” by Joel Chapron and Priscilla Jessati, printed on special order by Pioner. After Pioner will host the premiere of Lucas Belvaux’s romantic comedy, “Pas son genre” (“Not My Type”).
“French Cinema: A Sold-Out Century” is a new work by Joël Chapron and Priscilla Jessati, dedicated to the history of cinema’s development in France – the country which did not just create the technology of the cinema, but made a colossal investment in the development of film as a national, social, and urban phenomenon. The authors of the book are already well-known for their scholarly work, “Principles and Mechanisms of Financing in French Film” (2011), also printed on special order by Pioner.
The French model of the “film circuit” – that is, building cinemas and the required audience – appeared when cinematography itself had only appeared as a discipline, and has since served as a prime example for many countries. Cinema in France enjoys the support of the government, which takes the form of much more business-friendly regulatory conditions – and thanks to this, France remains the most “cinema-centric” and “well-watched” country in the world. Joël Chapron and Priscilla Jessati’s book analyses the many complex aspects of the French film circuit, and traces in detail its history, which is inseparably linked with the history of the cinema itself. The work contains numerous valuable facts and expert accounts which will undoubtedly be useful not only for representatives of the film industry, but for all lovers of the art of film. 
“French Cinema: A Sold-Out Century” continues Pioner’s publishing series about the structure and support of cinema in other countries. Besides research into the principles of French film financing, Pioner has printed such books as “The System of Financing and Support of Cinema in Poland after 2005” (Marcin Adamczyk, 2012) and “The Israeli Film Industry: The System and Its Specifics” (Marat Parkhomovsky, 2013).
Film posters include “Manhattan” by Woody Allen, “Snatch” and “Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels” by Guy Ritchie, “The Grand Budapest Hotel” by Wes Anderson, “The Terminator” by James Cameron, “Birdman” by Alejandro González Iñarritu, “Interstellar” by Christopher Nolan, “A Space Odyssey” by Stanley Kubrick, “Blade Runner” by Ridley Scott, “Rashômon” by Akira Kurosawa, “Blow-Up” and “L’Eclisse” by Michelangelo Antonioni. Plus 40 more posters — appearing just as they were created originally and just as they were exhibited at the movie theatres.
Every poster has gone through a thorough repress and is printed on thick satin photo paper. Information and pre-order: [email protected]
On September 5th and 6th Pioner Bookstore will present its collection at the Book Market Festival, which will take place at one of the oldest trading venues of Moscow: Danilovsky market. Opening hours: 9:00–21:00.
The programme of the Book Market Festival includes presentations, lectures, round-table discussions, plays readings and the opportunity to meet the authors. To see the full Book Market Festival schedule please follow the link.

Книжный магазин «Pioner Bookstore» находится по адресу: Москва, Кутузовский проспект, 21 , на западе Москвы. Адрес сайта книжного магазина https://pioner-cinema.ru/bookstore/ . По состоянию на 2025-02-15 14:53:19 «Pioner Bookstore» занимает 314 место в Рейтинге лучших книжных магазинов Москвы. Посмотреть все награды и статусы книжного магазина в Рейтинге Москвы 2025.

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Телефон: +7 (499) 240-52-40
Адрес: Москва, Кутузовский проспект, 21 ЗАО
Часы работы: ежедневно, 10:00–22:00


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