В рейтинге лучших клубов Lookin Rooms занимает 35 место. В округе ЦАО 23 место.
Клуб Lookin Rooms в рейтингах 2025:
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299 просмотров
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20 отзывов
Запрограммировали промоутеров на сеттинг тусовочки. Чипуем тебя по куару на входе Каждый второй может похвастаться мультиформатностью залов, и удобным зонированием под любую концепцию Как и все другие особенные заведения, мы делаем лучшие вечеринки каждую пятницу и субботу собирая тысячи людей в наших стенах Мы не будем говорить вам о нашей уникальности. Но если вы читаете этот текст - значит мы все делаем правильно Фейсконтроль клуба LOOKIN ROOMS придерживается простых правил: приветливость, позитив, презентабельность. Просим отнестись к нашим правилам с пониманием. Не забывайте, что фейсконтроль в клубе ведется в целях безопасности наших гостей. - гостям, чья одежда или обувь неопрятна или содержит элементы спортивного стиля, равно как гостям в форменной и рабочей одежде - гостям, проявляющим навязчивое, неуважительное или агрессивное отношение, к другим гостям или сотрудникам клуба На определенные мероприятия вход в клуб осуществляется строго по спискам от организаторов Если по какой-либо причине Вам отказали в посещении или попросили покинуть клуб, решение сотрудника службы безопасности считается окончательным Депозит за бронирование столика это – авансовый платеж за услуги клуба (кухня, бар) !ВНИМАНИЕ! Предоплата вносится только после брони столаСумма предоплаты должна быть не менее 3000 рублей и быть кратна 1000Чтобы забронировать стол напишите нам в WhatsApp или позвоните по номеру+7 901 129 03 33
Клуб «Lookin Rooms» находится по адресу: Москва, Тверская улица, 18к1 , в центре Москвы. Адрес сайта клуба https://lookinrooms.com/ . По состоянию на 2025-02-18 17:30:10 «Lookin Rooms» занимает 35 место в Рейтинге лучших клубов Москвы. Посмотреть все награды и статусы клуба в Рейтинге Москвы 2025.
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The worst club of Moscow, they make you enter only if they hear that you’re from Russia, the bodyguard even say to the lady that should make us enter “don’t even talk to them, they don’t understand” while everyone was entering! For sure I don’t recommend this place, If you’re a foreigner avoid it, because when they hear that you’re not Russian, or they try to scam you with crazy prices or they don’t make you enter don’t even explaining why. Avoid it. Everyone is so rude and disrespectful, especially the lady at the entrance.
Carlotta Bentivoglio 3 года назад
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So this club is ok....
So this club is ok. The prices are reasonable the location is good and they have two different areas with different music. The problem is the crowd which looks like a bunch of wiggers straight out of a Kid Rock video. Well except for the Armenians who look kind of scary. The MC is horrible which takes away from the decent music being played by the DJ in the downstairs room. The crowd is under dressed and really kind of low class. I won't be coming back, and you should probably save yourself the trouble and go somewhere else.
Anthony Gonzalez 3 года назад
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If you do like r&b a...
If you do like r&b and hiphop hippy style , lets try.but dont forget mostly teenagers prefer here.
ilhan Ciger 5 лет назад
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Let me intro...
Let me introduce myself first, I am a physician and an owner of a tourist/ travelling agency in Dubai. I have also a very close relationship with the Embassy of United Arab Emirates here in Moscow and many Russian friends in this country in different places and sectors of the community.
I would like to file a complaint to your care and attention, I came last week, after I read about your place as a famous, popular business for many people and tourists. The reason I came is to see your business by myself and evaluate it so I can send people I know and customers of my tourist agency and so both my agency and your place will gain benefits and interest. Or maybe in the future to make deals with your company if you want to expand the business in Dubai one day.
I read all the rules about control and facer standards before I come, and I tried my best to avoid any point that can prevent me from getting in, but when I came, the facer rejected me for NO reason. Not in one day or two days in three days, the last time was this Saturday night/ Sunday August 18th 2019.
I asked the facer politely what is the reason of his rejection and I introduced myself to him in a very polite way, and I tried to find an answer so I can avoid it next time but he said there is no reason for my rejection!
I told him that I am going to raise the question formally in a complaint to the owner but he even refused to listen to me and the guards start to laugh at what I am saying in an insulting way to make the other people and customers laugh at me in a shameful way.
I am asking myself: how possibly a very famous place is hiring a facer that he is deliberately insulting respectful people for no reasons and prove to all people that he is not good for his job or for his function?! and I am asking myself: how can I recommend your business to my customers ( which they are thousands in number) if the facer and the guard are treating me like this when I am showing all respect to my self and to others?!
I thought that my responsibility is to
عبدالرحمن بن محمد 5 лет назад
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Yesterday was my fir...
Yesterday was my first time but I most say that place is on fire 🔥🔥🔥and lovely 😊 they play all kinds of music 🎶
Thanks you guys for making my night 🌸I can’t wait to be there next week ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️🌹❤️😘
Jackie Osei 5 лет назад
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Best nightlife in Mo...
Best nightlife in Moscow
Mazen Alasmare 5 лет назад
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Good place, nice sec...
Good place, nice security, friendly staff, interesting activities, great location, a bit expensive.
Igor 5 лет назад
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Everything you'd exp...
Everything you'd expect from a Night club including live performances from artists sometimes and be rest assured with security too. It's location gives it more credit too, right outside Metro Tverskaya, don't tell me you need a map to find this place
Emmanuel Nartey 5 лет назад
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Terrible. Several ug...
Terrible. Several ugly rooms host different parties heavely promote on socials. The staff is uncomfortable and unfriendly, crazy rules. You got in. U can't get out for a while and get back. Quality of drinks ? Terrible. The only reasona for go there is that is budget and really well located. Really better u go somewhere else. I will never get back !
Edoardo Rizzuti 6 лет назад
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It was a great time...
It was a great time to know new people. The DJ nights are very energetic and fun. Great place to spend a night occasionally.
Srikanth Varadharajan 6 лет назад
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Very very very rude...
Very very very rude staff, especially the fat old security. They may push or punch you for no reason. Also the dancefloor is quite small and the music is bad, poorly lined up tracks with too much hip-hop and very few hit songs.