International Investment Bank is a multilateral development institution that aims to facilitate connectivity and integration between the economies of the Bank’s member states in order to ensure sustainable and inclusive growth and the competitiveness of national economies, backed by the existing historical ties. The Bank was established and operates as an international organisation based on the intergovernmental Agreement Establishing the International Investment Bank dated 10 July 1970, registered with the United Nations Secretariat on 1 December 1971 under number 11417, as amended and… Read more
October 25, 2023 — The International Investment Bank hereby informs that on October 19, 2023 Hungary has become the last EU member state to withdraw from the membership in the Bank. The next day the IIB Board of Governors adopted a number of fundamental decisions aimed at further stabilisation of the Bank, including restoration of its corporate governance and its… Read more
September 25, 2023 — Further to the Bank’s previous statements and latest requests from our investors, IIB hereby reconfirms that it faithfully attempts to meet its contractual payment obligations under its EUR1.5b Medium-term Note (MTN) Programme. The Bank has undertaken numerous attempts to find a new paying agent (including before OFAC restrictions were imposed); to date… Read more
June 30, 2023 — Further to our previous statements, IIB hereby informs our bondholders that as a result of General License No. 69 issued by OFAC on May 31, 2023, the release of funds and transfer by one of the EU financial institutions to Citibank, N.A., London Branch (Principal Paying Agent under the IIB EUR1.5b EUR MTN Programme) made it possible for the IIB to fulfil the… Read more
June 5, 2023 — Further to its previous statements, IIB hereby informs that on May 31, 2023 OFAC issued a General License No. 69 Authorizing Certain Debt Securities Servicing Transactions Involving IIB (OFAC General License). In accordance with paragraph (a) of the OFAC General License, all transactions prohibited by Executive Order (E.O.) 14024 that are ordinarily… Read more
May 25, 2023 — Notice to Bondholders, Creditors and Clients Further to the previous statements, IIB hereby informs its bondholders, creditors and clients that as a result of the imposed US OFAC sanctions, all correspondent banking entities of IIB in the EU blocked all transactions in connection with IIB, including Bank’s nostro accounts in EUR, USD, HUF, CZK, RON. By… Read more
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