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Международный банк экономического сотрудничества

В рейтинге лучших банков Международный банк экономического сотрудничества занимает 138 место. В округе ВАО 48 место.

Банк Международный банк экономического сотрудничества в рейтингах 2025:

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Банк на востоке Москвы
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The International Bank for Economic Co-operation provided Transport and Development Bank (TransBank), a major Mongolian commercial bank, with a trade-related loan of CNY 9.5 million for one year.
IBEС supports the import of modern environmentally friendly equipment for Mongolian industry
IBEC delegation visited the Embassy of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam to Russian Federation
IBEC develops member states’ national economies by promoting SDG-aligned trade and investments
IBEC promotes integration between member states and beyond, bridging East-West relations
IBEC promotes customers’ foreign trade and provides cash management services targeted to strengthen regional and country-level synergies
IBEC supports innovative, ‘green’ and socially responsible projects, ensuring sustainable and inclusive growth of member states’ economies
The restrictive measures established by EU Council Regulation No.833/2014 dated 31 July 2014 in view of Russia’s actions do not apply to IBEC’s financial operations in Russia and abroad.
IBEC provided TransBank with a trade-related loan of CNY 9.5 million for one year to finance the supply of cars from Japan to Mongolia.
IBEC participated in an international syndicated credit facility in favor of the Vietnamese financial company VNDIRECT Securities Corporation.
IBEC has granted a long-term credit facility for the construction and development of logistics infrastructure in northern Vietnam.
IBEC implements the first trade finance deal aimed at supporting foreign trade between Bulgaria and Poland.
IBEC took part in the placement of bonds of the Romanian company Autonom, specializing in car leasing, fleet management, short-term car rental.
The International Bank for Economic Co-operation is financing the construction of an advanced poultry production unit.
Financing the procurement of equipment for the construction of solar power plants in Vietnam
This is a forfaiting operation to repurchase a letter of credit debt in the amount of USD 4.8 million for a term of 16 months.
The International Bank for Economic Co-operation has supported the Green Loan Program of the Trade and Development Bank of Mongolia (TDBM) for small and medium-sized enterprises in Mongolia.
The Bank has invested in green bonds of one of the largest banks in Slovakia, Tatra banka, a member of the Raiffeisen banking group.
The funds provided by IBEC are aimed at financing purchases of products from Polish companies and entrepreneurs in the small and medium-sized business sector.
A targeted loan to the Ulaanbaatar Railway for the purchase of Russian-made diesel locomotives with the attraction of tied financing from Roseximbank JSC under the insurance coverage of the Russian ECA (EXIAR).
Lending to Laude Smart Intermodal S.A. to support the innovative and sustainable development of European transport infrastructure.
Syndicated loan to cover investment costs associated with the implementation of the energy infrastructure development project — «Balkan Stream».
Green forfeiting deal — the buyout of the obligations of the Vietnamese SHB bank and participation in the financing of the contract for the supply of monocrystalline solar panel modules to Vietnam.
Guarantee of the return of the advance payment for the implementation of the contract for the supply of equipment for a unique scientific complex by the Polish company Frako Term.
Guarantees and counter-guarantees issued on behalf of the Grandcapital company to support the procurement of medicines (pharmaceutical products) from leading international.
Guarantees were issued to return an advance payment on behalf of the Czech company Strojirna Tyc in the amount of EUR 1.8 mln in order to supply equipment for the production of metro cars.
Participation in the initial placement of debt securities of the Slovak company Eustream, a.s., which transports natural gas to Slovakia and through the territory of the Slovak Republic to European markets.
Participation in a syndicated loan to Sovcombank organized by major transnational banks for financing external trade contracts, including an ESG tranche.
Loan to Doverie United Holding for the implementation of current projects of the holding’s enterprises, including in the medical industry.
The main activities include support of trade-focused companies in the Bank’s member states, assistancein their expansion to new markets and participation in sustainable and Agenda 2030 projects.The Bank provides target support for export and import operations in the Bank's member states by extending loans and participating in syndicated facilities.IBEC’s distinction from other Multilateral Development Banks (MDBs) is the mandate to provide direct cash management services to customers, including a comprehensive settlement function. IBEC was established in 1963 under an Intergovernmental Agreement registered with the UN Secretariat under № 7388. IBEC member countries are the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, Mongolia, the Russian Federation. About the Bank The Bank is a supranational intergovernmental organization that enjoys a tax-free and regulation-free status, as well as the support of its member states' governmental bodies and financial authorities represented in IBEC’s Council. Geographically unique membership contributes to the promotion of integration between member states and beyond, bridging East-West economic relations. Mission providing financial support to foreign trade operations implemented by companies domiciled in the Bank’s member states, as well as supporting such member states’ Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) that create an added value and aspire to enter new markets; facilitating integration into global value chains, increased use of technology, improved energy and resource efficiency of production and services, and boosting competitiveness in accordance with priorities of social and economic development of the Bank’s member states. International partnerships One of IBEC’s key priorities is expansion of strategic partnerships, including its due positioning among international development institutions aimed at promoting sustainable development. IBEC cooperates with national (in its member states) and international partners, including development banks, governmental authorities, financial and corporate institutions in order to implement sustainable projects, explore new business opportunities, mobilize resources and improve its activities through best practice exchange and application of internationally acclaimed solutions. International partners Export credit agencies National development banks Regional development banks National Chambers of Trade and Industry International Financial Institutions State and private financial institutions Commercial banks Banking and Finance NGOs (BACEE, ICC) Forms of partnership membership association cooperation agreement, MoU Read more
About the Bank The Bank is a supranational intergovernmental organization that enjoys a tax-free and regulation-free status, as well as the support of its member states' governmental bodies and financial authorities represented in IBEC’s Council. Geographically unique membership contributes to the promotion of integration between member states and beyond, bridging East-West economic relations. Mission providing financial support to foreign trade operations implemented by companies domiciled in the Bank’s member states, as well as supporting such member states’ Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) that create an added value and aspire to enter new markets; facilitating integration into global value chains, increased use of technology, improved energy and resource efficiency of production and services, and boosting competitiveness in accordance with priorities of social and economic development of the Bank’s member states. International partnerships One of IBEC’s key priorities is expansion of strategic partnerships, including its due positioning among international development institutions aimed at promoting sustainable development. IBEC cooperates with national (in its member states) and international partners, including development banks, governmental authorities, financial and corporate institutions in order to implement sustainable projects, explore new business opportunities, mobilize resources and improve its activities through best practice exchange and application of internationally acclaimed solutions. International partners Export credit agencies National development banks Regional development banks National Chambers of Trade and Industry International Financial Institutions State and private financial institutions Commercial banks Banking and Finance NGOs (BACEE, ICC) Forms of partnership membership association cooperation agreement, MoU
providing financial support to foreign trade operations implemented by companies domiciled in the Bank’s member states, as well as supporting such member states’ Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) that create an added value and aspire to enter new markets;
facilitating integration into global value chains, increased use of technology, improved energy and resource efficiency of production and services, and boosting competitiveness in accordance with priorities of social and economic development of the Bank’s member states.

Банк «Международный банк экономического сотрудничества» находится по адресу: Москва, улица Маши Порываевой, 11Б , на востоке Москвы. Адрес сайта банка http://ibec.int/ . По состоянию на 2025-02-12 01:57:53 «Международный банк экономического сотрудничества» занимает 138 место в Рейтинге лучших банков Москвы. Посмотреть все награды и статусы банка в Рейтинге Москвы 2025.

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Сайт: http://ibec.int/
Телефон: +7 (495) 604-72-90
Адрес: Москва, улица Маши Порываевой, 11Б ВАО
Часы работы: пн-чт 08:30–17:15; пт 08:30–16:00


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